Text can be bold, italic, strikethrough or keyword
There should be whitespace between paragraphs.
Header 1
This is a normal paragraph following a header. GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.
Header 2
This is a blockquote following a header.
When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.
Header 3
// Javascript code with syntax highlighting.
var fun = function lang(l) {
dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l)
return true;
# Ruby code with syntax highlighting
GitHubPages::Dependencies.gems.each do |gem, version|
s.add_dependency(gem, "= #{version}")
Header 4
- This is an unordered list following a header.
- This is an unordered list following a header.
- This is an unordered list following a header.
Header 5
- This is an ordered list following a header.
- This is an ordered list following a header.
- This is an ordered list following a header.
Header 6
head1 | head two | three |
ok | good swedish fish | nice |
out of stock | good and plenty | nice |
ok | good oreos |
hmm |
ok | good zoute drop |
yumm |
There’s a horizontal rule below this.
Here is an unordered list:
- Item foo
- Item bar
- Item baz
- Item zip
And an ordered list:
- Item one
- Item two
- Item three
- Item four
And a nested list:
- level 1 item
- level 2 item
- level 2 item
- level 3 item
- level 3 item
- level 1 item
- level 2 item
- level 2 item
- level 2 item
- level 1 item
- level 2 item
- level 2 item
- level 1 item
Wide image
Definition lists can be used with HTML syntax.
- Name
- Godzilla
- Born
- 1952
- Birthplace
- Japan
- Color
- Green
Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this.
The final element.
Syntax highlighting
Jekyll has built in support for syntax highlighting of over 60 languages thanks to Rouge.
To render a code block with syntax highlighting, surround your code as follows:
{% highlight ruby %}
def foo
puts 'foo'
{% endhighlight %}
Pygments styles are present under section 6.0 of css/style.scss
for customization.
>_ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa
$ var="my-value"
$ echo $var
$ logout
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
1.0 Defaults
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
.container {
width: 1200px;
body {
background-color: #e9edf0;
@extend %opensans;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
### Phantom settings
paginate: 10
footer_text: '© 2018 Jami Gibbs'
admin_name: 'Jami Gibbs'
google_analytics: "UA-9999999-99" # Update with your own tracking ID
#### Phantom Navigation menu
enable_nav: true
- { url: '/', text: 'Home' }
- { url: '/about', text: 'About' }